Tag Archives: fererro

Fererro Balls (Vegan)/Ferero Bombici (Posni)

Small, finger food sweets make great additions to dessert and grazing tables and for Slavas and celebrations. These can be made in a vegan version as well if using margarine, dairy free chocolate, vegan wafers and dairy free hazelnut spread.


  • 300 gr wafers/napolitanki (these below are dairy free and vegan)
  • 250 gr roasted hazelnuts
  • 150 gr dark cooking chocolate (this one below is dairy free and vegan)
  • 100 gr hazelnut spread (this one below is a vegan hazelnut spread)
  • 250 gr butter (margarine for a vegan version)


Using your hands, break the wafers into smaller pieces into a mixing bowl.

Crush the roasted hazelnuts and place them in the bowl with the wafers.

Toss them to mix.

Place the chocolate, butter and hazelnut spread in a sauce pot and melt them over steam.

Pour them into the mixing bowl.

Mix everything using a large wooden spoon or your hand if you have to.

Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place it in the fridge for about an hour 9if you scip this step, you will struggle to form the balls as the mixture is rather crumbly otherwise).

Take it out and form balls.

Place them in paper cups.

If you wish, you can dip them in melted chocolate and sprinkle again with crushed hazelnuts but I like them as they are: rustic.

If you wish to dip them in chocolate, melt 150 gr chocolate with 3 tea spoons of oil.


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